Introduction: Nuclear imaging is based on the principle of detection of radionuclides integrated in specific recognition molecules in patients. Detection devices such as positron emission tomography and single photon emission tomography (PET, SPECT for their acronym in English) are made up of scintillating materials, mostly of the inorganic type, such as NaI(Tl) and the transducer known as a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The purpose of this work was to implement the novel options, which are analogous to the main components of the detecting devices for nuclear imaging studies. In addition to improvements in the acquisition of images for targets of small dimensions (<3 mm), reduce operating times, as well as study costs. The main materials proposed to achieve these objectives are, the scintillating plastic optical fibers and the avalanche photodiode
Se desarrolló un detector de fotones gamma con características técnicas competitivas similar a los detectores que incluyen los materiales más usados para imagen nuclear. Asimismo, se desarrolló un sistema que basado en fibras ópticas centellográficas, el cual puede dar lugar a un sistema de sonda de detección de blancos moleculares de dimensiones pequeñas.