La historia de nuestro país refleja claramente la historia de las cooperativas en México. Desde sus inicios en el México independiente el movi- miento cooperativo ha tenido altas y bajas, apoyado mayor o menormente por nuestros gobiernos, sin embargo, actualmente con la entrada en vigor del mo- delo neoliberal se observa un abandono del cooperativismo por no ser compa- tible con ese modelo y aun cuando la legislación cooperativa se ha modificado especialmente en el rubro de los organismos cooperativos, el cooperativismo en México se encuentra estancado
The history of our country clearly reflects the history of coop- eratives in Mexico. Since its inception in independent Mexico the cooperative movement has had ups and downs, supported to a greater or lesser extent by our governments, however, currently with the entry into force of the neoliberal model there is an abandonment of cooperativism because it is not compatible with that model and even though cooperative legislation has been modified especially in the area of cooperative organizations, cooperativism in Mexico is stagnant.