The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of depression in
older adult men and women who feel abandoned when hospitalized.
Convenience sampling was used to enlist 113 voluntary participants at the
Tejupilco General Hospital, regardless of symptoms or the service to
which they were admitted. Irrespective of educational level, inclusion
criteria for the study were >60 years old and the absence of mental illness.
The study design was non-experimental and transactional with the use of
the geriatric depression scale (GDS-15) to indicate the presence of
depressive symptoms. SPSS statistical package was used to analyse the
data obtained. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages
were used to present the results of the study. The results obtained show
that severe depression was more prevalent among the study’s participants
as 22.1 and 13.2% of men and women, respectively, were diagnosed