Background: The implementation of polyphytic pastures composed of grasses and legumes is an important
component of agricultural systems in temperate zones, since grazing pastures which can reduce feed costs— are
a viable option for small-scale dairy systems (SSDS).
Objective: To evaluate the continuous grazing of dairy cows in Festulolium pastures associated with annual
and perennial ryegrass and with clover in two farmrs.
Methodology: Two experiments were carried out. The first experiment was established in the municipality of
Almoloya of Juárez using eight cows that were divided into two groups of four; the cows grazed on two pastures
with Festulolium associated with annual ryegrass and they were fed with 3.6 kg DM/cow/day of commercial
concentrate, for 16 weeks. The second experiment was carried out in the Northwest of State of Mexico;
six multiparous cows grazed on two pastures, under a cross over design arrangement; one pasture features
Festulolium cv Spring Green and the other, annual ryegrass. Milk and body condition ere measured every 3
and 12 d, respectively. Variables from both experiments were analyzed using a split-plot experimental design.
Results: Neither experiment recorded significant differences for the net accumulation of forage, the height of
the pastures, and their chemical composition (P0.05). No significant differences between treatments (P0.05)
were recorded regarding the yields and chemical composition of the milk.
Study Limitations/Implications: The study of mixed pastures can be an alternative for feeding grazing
cows, helping to reduce costs in SSDS.
Findings/Conclusions: Festulolium/annual ryegrass pastures with white clover are a viable forage alternative
for small-scale dairy systems