Mostrar el registro sencillo del objeto digital Medjekal, S. Guetouache, M. Ghadbane, M. Salem, A. Z. M. 2023-10-24T00:09:00Z 2023-10-24T00:09:00Z 2023-04-15
dc.identifier.issn 1018-7081
dc.description.abstract The nutritive value of some Algerian perennial plants species were examined on the premise of their in vitro gas production, chemical composition and fermentation kinetics. The plant species were Aristida pungens, Artemesia herba-alba, Artemesia vulgarus, Atriplex halimus, Genista saharae, Lygeum spartum, Retama retam, Stipa tenacissima. L and oat hay as a standard. Importants variation have been registered (P <0.05) regarding all the chemical components of the perennial plants species. The crude protein (CP) content value ranged between 5.02 and 16.15 (% DM), the highest CP value was recorded for Atriplex halimus (A. halimus). Acid detergent fiber (ADF) and Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) were generally high in Stipa tenacissima and low in Atriplex halimus (P <0.05). The organic matter digestibility (OMD) and the total gas production vary from 31.74 to 59.1 % and 15.46 to 39.52 (ml.g-1 DM), respectively. In general, high values of Organic matter digestibility (OMD) and gas production were noted for A. halimus succeeded by Genista saharae (G. saharae). This necessitates prudent nutritional interventions such as supplementation with barley and wheat bran. Additionally, in order to improve fibrous feeds digestibility, some exogenous fibrolytic enzymes are of growing interest as additives to ruminant nutrition. A. halimus is a valuable plant that provides wildlife habitat and food for livestock. It is a very effective fodder element in mixed diets and as a supplement for livestock, mainly during the dry season in arid and semi-arid regions. es
dc.language.iso eng es
dc.publisher Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences es
dc.rights openAccess es
dc.rights.uri es
dc.subject digestibility, in vitro gas production, perennial plants, es
dc.title Chemical composition and in vitro rumen biogas production of some perennial plants species es
dc.type Artículo es
dc.provenance Científica es
dc.road Dorada es
dc.organismo Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia es
dc.ambito Internacional es
dc.cve.CenCos 21401 es
dc.relation.vol 33
dc.relation.año 2023

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  • Título
  • Chemical composition and in vitro rumen biogas production of some perennial plants species
  • Autor
  • Medjekal, S.
  • Guetouache, M.
  • Ghadbane, M.
  • Salem, A. Z. M.
  • Fecha de publicación
  • 2023-04-15
  • Editor
  • Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences
  • Tipo de documento
  • Artículo
  • Palabras clave
  • digestibility, in vitro gas production, perennial plants,
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