Introduction: Many patients arrive daily to the urgencies and introduction clinic,
some of them arrive with pain. This study shows us the epidemiological profile of
patient with pain that arrice to the Faculty of Dentistry of the autonomous university
of the state of Mexico within the period 2022-A and 2022-B in this study we will
showcase all the information of the patients with the purpose of providing better
health care services.
Objective: Define the epidemiological profile of the patients with pain that arrive to
seek attention to the Faculty of Dentistry of the autonomous university of the state
of Mexico
Methodology: This is an Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study,
where the study population are all the patients that arrive to the faculty to seek
attention, in which the criteria we include is all the patients that arrive with some pain
symptomatology and in which we exclude all the ones that don’t show any sign of
pain, the method that was used to identify pain and other symptoms was a format
elaborated by us and authorized by the faculty to recollect information about the
patients health status, additionally we recollected personal information about the
patient such as, Age, Sex, place of residence and pharmacotherapy if used to seize
de pain.
Results: The results reveal that nearly 44% of patients that arrive show some kind
of pain, the results also reveal that women seek for more dental attention than men,
also the group of age that are more willing to arrive at the clinic are patients between
41 and 50 years old and the area that is demanded the most is basic attention
Conclusion: In conclusion this study shows us the demand we have at our faculty
that as we can see is high, we can also perceive what percentage of those patients
who arrive come with pain and seek urgent care to relieve the pain, also letting us
know which range of age and sex is more likely to see at our faculty.