Vectorial fields such as the electromagnetic field are commonly employed for codifying both qubits and
information. It is considered as a three-qubits Heisenberg chain with multiple interaction in the presence of a scalar
field, as it is the temperature field. The corresponding pairwise thermal entanglement is calculated. Our results
corroborate with the results of Yang and Huang, Quant. Inf. Proc. 16:281 (2017). To first order of approximation in
powers of β = 1/T , it is shown that a temperature field can codify entanglement. A scalar field substrate can be used
to distribute quantum entanglement in communication protocols that require this ingredient. Present results can be
extrapolated to other physical systems such as Heisenberg spins (two-site) or superconducting qubits, provided the
respective quantum correlation (entanglement or discord) expression depends explicitly on the temperature scalar