Drug induced abortion induced with mifepristone or misoprostol is a safe,
effective y acceptable option for termination of pregnancy (RCOG 2004, OMS
2003, Winikoff 2008, Von Hertzen 2003).
Material y Method. Descriptive, prospective, observational, longitudinal, study
of 100 women which entered the service of emergency with diagnosis of early
gestational loss and correlation with the retrieved histopathological result.
Patients who came to the emergency room toco surgery in diagnosis confirmed
by ultrasound of early gestational loss, without contraindication for use of
misoprostol and with informed consent.
Results. The descriptive analysis of the variables was carried out found that
49% other patients archived complete uterine evacuation
As for the factors that influence the affectiveness of the drug showed that the
average mother in the success group age stood at 22.98and the failure at 25.75.
For one (p de 0.035).RR= 1.7 (IC 95% 1.05-2.8) P 0.02. Likewise the gestational
age stood at an average of 7.59 weeks for cases reported as success and 8.44 for
those who were reported as failures RR= 1.8 (IC 95% 1.03-3.2) P=0.031.3.
Within the patients is that full evacuation was achived 93% of these expelled
with the first dose and the average time of expulsion was 6.01hours.
Conclusions. Misoprostol is an effective medication for uterine evacuation in
early gestational loss, already widely used in developed countries.