To conduct studies on a city implies facing opposing views. Some of them have
brought into question the very concept of a city, or, more precisely, its currency
in relation to the spatial and social complexity of the conurbations of large
cities, constituting what is currently referred to as megalopolises. This physical
growth of large cities brings with it a series of social, economic, structural, and
territorial planning challenges; provision of educational equipment, health,
services, insecurity, poverty, aging of the population and therefore the demand
for specialised equipment focused on the care of the elderly are just some of
the most obvious problems present in this space.
In the body of research on the problems of the city, there are some publications
which emphasise the study of its structural components, like Unikel
(1976), Garza (2003), Capel (2002). Others have taken urban spatiality as
their object of analysis, for example Cabrales (2005), Duhau and Giglia (2004a,
2004b), Indovinia (2004), Janoschka and Glasze (2003), Ramírez (2003), Roitman
(2004). There are also some which focus on problems such as housing,
like Duhau (1998), Mollá (2006), Rodríguez (2006), Maya (1999), Ziccardi
(2015); others have highlighted the new processes of exclusion taking place in
historic centres: Nieto (2005), Melé etal. (2003), Sabatini and Cáceres (2001),
Ziccardi (2008), Lindón (2003). Others still analyse the subjective expressions
of individual cities, such as López (2005), Reguillo (2000), Lindón (2003),
Lowenthal (1977), Peñalva (1997). In other words, the latter group of publications
studies the construction of situations and scenarios through social
consciousness and language, giving shape to social phenomena that are the
product of beliefs, customs, the intervention of economic actors, urban policy
initiatives, consumers with high economic capacity, each with their particular