Nowadays, the electronic means of communication have an unprecedented impact in the way of projects are developed. The electronic information –due to its nature– has now a more democratic approach of operation, plummeting the power of the great companies and governments. With the creation of the web 2.0, the common users of Internet have now a huge number of communication tools, which allow them to know –in an immediate, measured and effective way– what they or others think or believe. So, the object that has changed as a main channel is the operation by Internet. This current and simple –for many– phenomena, has a deep implication in the way of replanting the new paradigms with a global impact in productive projects as a commerce target.
Nowadays and according to Ries (2006:14) the mass communication that has been implemented in a globalized world is branded by five ‘revolutions’ that have evolved the way the information is exchanged, allowing to share ideas or opinions of any kind with speed and ease. There is a direct correlation between each one of these mass communication revolutions that have been democratized and the start of a new interaction era. That way, such revolutions are defined by a particular mean of communication. These means are: 1) The book, which main characteristic is the information mass distribution as first communication revolution. 2) Newspapers, in which the main characteristic is the periodicity added to the mass distribution. This is the second revolution. 3) The radio broadcast, which has as characteristics the mass distribution, the immediacy and the audio. 4) Television, which adds to the previously mentioned characteristics the movement of images. 5) Finally the Internet, the fifth revolution implied a new element in the transmission of ideas: the interactivity.