Infections associated with bladder catheterization are in third place among the causes of morbidity, considering that millions of bladder catheterizations are performed globally for diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the objective of this investigation is to determine the grade of compliance of the Intensive Therapy Form F1-PIVUPSVI / 02 ("Prevention of urinary tract infections in patients with bladder catheter installed"). The design of applied research was quantitative. Type of study is descriptive, transverse, correlational and observational.
In a population of 40 patients of a Hospital of Second Level of Care, the grade of compliance of the F1-PIVUPSVI / 02 format obtained a low overall compliance. It was found a finding a significant dependence between the academic degree and the compliance degree. It can be observed a slight increase in compliance according to the academic degree. Among the nine criteria, bag level, id and connected drainage was the most complied, and those of low compliance were hygienic and guidance measures. In terms of category, specialists in nursing report better compliance, the general nurses and graduates in nursing achieve the least compliance. Intensive therapy ranked first in compliance. For the inferential analysis, chi squared was applied, finding a significant dependence between the criteria for reporting data on urinary tract infection and the performance of hygienic measures on the patient. Carrying out hygienic measurements to the patient with the recording of the probe. As well as the counseling measures provided to the patient and relative to the record of functioning of the probe.