Brain maturation in 1 to 36 month old children suffering from congenital cardiopathologies was assessed after a study of psychomotor development. The Rogers’ test (Rogers et al., 1981) was applied to 65 children, of whom 21 presented with simple cardiopathologies (CpS) and 22 with complex cardiopathologies (CpC). All children were matched by age, sex and socioeconomic status to 22 healthy children in a control group (C). Mean differences between the three groups were established by applying the Kruskal-Wallis test, and mean differences between the C and CpS/CpC groups were determined using the Mann-Whitney test. The proportion of cases evaluated as “low” in each group was calculated by applying the Rogers’ test, and a test of proportion differences was applied between the C and CpS/CpC groups. CpS children performed similarly to the control group, whereas CpC children scored significantly lower than C children on all variables. It is highly likely that the suboptimal psychomotor performance observed in CpC children was due to compromised hemodynamics and related to subclinical immaturity of cerebral development.