This research focused on the nanosecond(Nd:YAG-1064 nm) laser pulse effect on the optical and
morphological properties of chemically modified multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNT).Two sus-
pensions of MWCNT in tetrahydrofuran (THF) were prepared,one was submitted to laser pulses for
10 min while the other (blank) was only mechanically homogenized during the same time. Following the
laser irradiation, the suspension acquired a yellow-amber color,in contrast to the black translucent
appearance of the blank. UV-vis spectroscopy confirmed this observation, showing the blank a higher
absorption. Additionally, photoluminescence measurements exhibited a broad blue-green emission band
both in the blank and irradiated suspension when excited at 369 nm, showing the blank a lower intensity. However, a modification in the excitation wave length produced a violet to green tuningin the
irradiated suspension, which did not occurin the blank. Lastly, the electron microscopy analysis of the
treated nanotubes showed the abundant formation of amorphous carbon, nanocages, and nanotube
unzipping, exhibiting the intense surface modification produced by the laser pulse. Nanotube surface
modification and the coexistence with the new carbon nanostructures were considered as the conductive
conditions for optical properties modification.
Apoyo a la Red Temática de Colaboración Académica: Desarrollo de Materiales Compuestos con propiedades Ópticas, Eléctricas , Magnéticas y sus aplicaciones