Desde el comienzo del nuevo siglo en México, el sistema de partidos tradicional se vio afectado por una
nuevo modelo de actores: las partes de bunion. Son pequeños partidos políticos: Partido Verde Ecologista,
Partido Nueva Alianza y Partido Movimiento Ciudadano, que se han aliado a los partidos tradicionales
en períodos electorales, a pesar de que no necesariamente comparten afinidades ideológicas. Esta estrategia
los resultados han evolucionado positivamente para algunos de ellos, que han logrado superar el
barrera y, en consecuencia, mantener su reconocimiento oficial como partes; algunos otros habrían ganado
elecciones federales, regionales o locales como una coalición.
Since the beginning of the new century in México, the traditional party system was affected by a
new model of actors: the hinge parties. They are small political parties: Partido Verde Ecologista,
Partido Nueva Alianza and Partido Movimiento Ciudadano, which have allied to traditional parties
in electoral periods, even though they do not necessarily share ideological affinities. This strategy
results have evolved positively for some of them, which have managed to overcome the electoral
barrier and, consequently, maintain their official recognition as parties; some others had won
federal, regional or local elections as a coalition.
These hinge parties present an interesting paradox. They use intensively new media and social
networks, and don´t have the traditional organizational model based on territories, instead they have
virtual interaction and developed online tools in their internal and external communications.
Nevertheless, they have a segmented, clientele and corporate type of electorate. They are also part
of the political system, so they don´t present themselves as an alternative to the traditional parties.
This paper aims to compare between these three parties; and how, when and who (inside) use these
tools, how do their organization structures are affected by these? and how did the media and social
networks influence on the electoral campaigns?