Livestock grazing impacts
the ecosystems of high
mountains and adjacent
low-elevation regions as a
result of the physical,
chemical, and hydrological
connectivity of soil. In
particular, grazing may
alter the ecosystem
services provided by soil, such as carbon and organic matter
accumulation, carbon storage, and water infiltration. The
present study evaluated the relative contents of soil organic
matter (SOM) and soil organic carbon (SOC) on soil in a humaninduced
grassland and an frequently grazed Abies religiosa
(Kunth) Schltdl. & Cham. forest in Nevado de Toluca, Mexico. It
assessed carbon stocks in 2 different soil layers (0–5 cm and
5–25 cm), as well as soil compaction and water infiltration in
both land uses. Results showed slightly lower SOM (21.7%) and
SOC (12.6%) in soils on which livestock were grazed than in
forest soils (25.7% for SOM and 14.65%, for SOC) at both
depths and a greater bulk density of livestock soils (0.86 g
) than of forest soils (0.73 g cm3
), particularly in the 0–5-
cm layer (0.88 g cm3
) of livestock soils. More than 40 years of
livestock grazing has clearly impacted the capacity of soils to
accumulate organic matter and organic carbon. However,
carbon stocks and water infiltration were not significantly
affected, as low carbon accumulation was compensated by
changes in soil bulk density. These results indicate that
extensive livestock ranching and resource conservation are not
necessarily mutually exclusive in the study site. Direct and
indirect mechanisms involved in the provision of the evaluated
regulating services should be further studied, taking into
account the highly variable social and environmental conditions
of Nevado de Toluca. Management policies should also aim to
maintain an equilibrium between livestock rancher needs and
conservation of supporting and regulating ecosystem services
that are highly relevant to the functioning of mountain