he average home range size of A. maslini represents the smallest within the genus Aspidoscelis recorded to date (P ERRY & G ARlANd 2002), including both parthe - nogenetic [616 m 2 in Aspidosceli s unipa - rens (W RiGHT & l OWE , 1965), H ulSE 1981; 45.1 m 2 in A. cozumelus , H ERNáNdEZ -G Al - lEGOS et al. 2015] and gonochoristic species [400 m 2 in Aspidoscelis tigris (B AiRd & G iRARd , 1852), j ORGENSEN & T ANNER 1963; 306 m 2 in Aspidoscelis hyperythrus (C OPE , 1863), R OWlANd 1992]. This result con- trasts with theoretical predictions of broad home ranges for widely foraging species (H ulSE 1981; R OWlANd 1992; V ERWAijEN & V AN d AmmE 2008). Reduced home ranges at coastal habitats in other species of lizards including both sit and wait predators (R O - CHA 1999; k ACOliRiS et al. 2009) and wide foraging species (H iRTH 1963) have been recorded previously.