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b) Seasons and the weather


Directions: Listen to the following sounds. What do they refer to? Write N for no, and Y for yes in front of the word that describes the sound you hear. You can use the dictionary to help you.


Rain   Wind   Sunlight Thunderstorm


Rain   Wind   Sunlight   Thunderstorm


Rain   Wind   Sunlight   Thunderstorm


Rain   Wind   Sunlight   Thunderstorm

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Seasons of the year

Directions: There are four seasons in the year:

Directions: Each season has a different weather.

Directions: Complete the sentences in the chart by writing the words that best describe the weather in each season. Pay attention to the previous images.





Spring is usually There is temperature.


Summer is full of . The weather is .


Days are and .


In some places days are . The weather is very .


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Directions: Match these sentences to the cards.One of them does not match any of the pictures. Write N for the sentence that does not match the pictures..


The weather is warm and the day is sunny.

It’s a sunny day but the wind is blowing and it is cold.

It’s a very cold day, the sun is shining, but there is snow everywhere

The wind is blowing and there are clouds in the sky.

It’s a very hot day.

Directions: Look at the pictures again. Which picture shows someone who is wearing...

1. a blue jacket?   2.  gloves?    3. shorts?   4. a black coat?

5. goggles?    6. a green t-shirt?   7. a hat?

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